Through all my obstacles and challenges in life have birthed new ventures and entities to help others. Charity begins at home and the passion to give is one's choice. Don't despair when a mountain is in front of you. Figure out how to go over or through it! Call on Cod before your fellow neighbor and know that your help is on its way. Let's work to expire the helplessness and brokenness one may have.
Building strong and healthy communities is our greatest gift to mankind!
Proverbs 12:9 'I would rather be a nobody with a servant than pretend to be somebody and have no food.'
This has been the year of learning what "Community" truly means to me. Community is our Village, our Families, our Business Partners, and even our Strangers. Continue to embrace your neighbor, and check on those you haven't heard from - I mean pick up the phone and call! I feel we are so connected that we are disconnected. And most of all, if you see someone in need, HELP THEM! We need more Agape Love in our Lives!
Matthew 7:9 ' You parents—if your children ask for a loaf of bread, do you give them a stone instead? Or if they ask for a fish, do you give them a snake? Of course not!
I know how important support and Mentorship are when starting a new project, opening a business, or working on completing something you started long ago. I want to help you make your dreams a reality by providing leadership, suggestions, and a 'seed' of inspiration. I may not have the answer, but together we will come up with the solution.
Proverbs 6:6 'Go to the ant, you sluggard; consider its ways and be wise! '
"Through my Faith and Strength from God, I live my Passion by being on the front line to FIGHT for those underserved. I want to Engage, Evolve, Inspire, Motivate, and 'Leave my Legacy'. Together you and I can change the world. However, without "OUR" relationship, I can do nothing."....Calvetta Phair
I'm Standing on Psalm 91.
I dwell in the shelter of the Most High and I will rest in the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the Lord, "HE is my refuge and my fortress, my God in whom I trust."
I Pray You Stay Safe!
My Testimony of Life, My Love & My Passion
Celebrating 25 years of Empowering
K-12 and their Families in America with FREE Technological Tools and
STEM Education!
You may ask, why this site and why now? Because I have more to offer than I have been given! I believe that many hurts from the past may leave one imprisoned to not know the beauty of LIFE and what God has given to us....PEACE! Our greatest fault is not trying to get back up and try to live better. We may blame ourselves which keeps us in unhealthy relationships or an unhealthy mindset and sick and tired of being sick and tired! I know. I've been there!. Through prayer and release of all negative in my life, I have found so much PEACE and LOVE! Being thankful for everything I have and a mindset to want more and to do more for others is my blessing from God. I want to help you to have a more Peaceful and Healthy life!
For daily inspiration and encouragement, please listen to my favorite 'Praise & Worship' Songs on my Spotify 'Cali's Praise Report' Playlist! Remember when Praises Go Up, Blessings Come Down Overflowing! Always Stay Humble and Give Thanks!
Psalm 110:1 'Sit at my right hand until I make your enemies a footstool for your feet.'